Our Services
A publications specialist edits the manuscript on computer and ensures correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and usage. Editors use the Track Changes function in Microsoft Word so the client can review edits. Tasks include imposing a consistent style while querying or correcting inconsistencies, flagging and checking head levels and callouts for graphics or notes, cross-checking in-text references, and styling bibliographic material. Our editors’ computers have up-to-date software and virus protection. Some editors can work in foreign languages.
A content specialist edits and revises to improve organization; establishes proper tone for the intended audience; unifies voice in multiauthor documents; and eliminates redundancy, awkward construction, wordiness, excessive use of passive voice, illogical passages, sexist language, and jargon. Tasks include analyzing and querying content and may involve online fact-checking plus correcting inaccuracies.
A proofreader marks typographical errors on PDFs of page proofs using the mark-up and commenting tools in Adobe Acrobat. Tasks may include correcting or querying problems of usage, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style. The proofreader can also check for formatting problems and deviations from specifications. When an updated set of proofs is created, the proofreader can check the new version against the previous version to ensure that the changes were made correctly.
An indexer selects and lists concepts or key words, such as names, terms, subjects, titles, and places. Cross-references may be included to help readers find the information they are looking for. Tasks may include preparing a taxonomy for use on the internet. The indexer uses indexing software to create the index, which is provided to the client as a Microsoft Word document.
A desktop publishing specialist lays out pages and formats manuscripts using Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word following a client’s specifications. The specialist can develop templates, create graphics, design basic publications, and enhance a client’s designs or templates. Figures are created in Adobe Illustrator. The specialist provides files for a printer or for use online.
A publications expert coordinates the project’s production or management tasks; guides the project from initial planning to printing or electronic publication and distribution; schedules, oversees, or coordinates the project’s team of writers, editors, proofreaders, designers, desktop publishers, indexers, and printers; and works closely with the client to keep the project on track, on budget, and on time.
A keyboard expert listens to and transcribes recordings of meetings or conferences, then provides a Microsoft Word file suitable for editing.
A senior publications expert meets with the client to discuss the client’s needs or to give professional advice about items such as planning a production schedule, organizing material for publication, preparing an in-house style guide, creating or revising tests for prospective employees, or determining the scope of training for staff members.
A writer produces text from research, notes, interviews, or raw data; attends meetings as a consultant and planner; develops a conceptual outline; suggests length, tone, and style; and revises text using feedback from the client’s review.